Product Details

  1. Can be used from extremely high temperatures to low temperatures.
    (-200℃ to +700℃ depending on type of material)
  2. Strong against mixed hard foreign particles.
  3. Can withstand high-speed operation in water and  in seawater.
  4. Can withstand strong corrosive atmospheres.
Major Applications

General industrial machinery, food machinery and support of steel structures

Specific Load MPa Sliding Speed m/min Service temp. Range °C (Min. to Max.) Friction Coefficient μ Tolerance of Foreign Particles
Normal Max Normal Max
Below 19.6 49 Below 6 60 -200~700 0.05~0.25 (Boundary Lubrication) High
  • On the actual application, the best performance in all categories would not be expected to be exerted simultaneously.
  • Thermalloy, Daislide and Dailubo have general-to-special grades to meet various customer needs.
Target Properties
Structure Sliding Layer Component Wear Resistance Load Resistance
No Lubrication Grease Boundary and Fluid No Lubrication Grease Boundary and Fluid
Solid Various Alloy+ Carbon 5 5 5 5 5 5
Tolerance of Foreign Particles Sliding Speed Friction Coefficient Effect of Various Atmospheres
No Lubrication Grease Boundary and Fluid No Lubrication Grease Boundary and Fluid In Air In Vacuum In Water In Vapor In Acid or Alkali
5 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 4(5) 5 5 5
  • 5=Excellent 4=Very good 3=Good 2=Inadequate 1=Failure
  • ※ In an acid/alkaline atmosphere, the evaluation may bring different results. We recommend a sample test in such case. Please feel free to contact us with questions about the application under special conditions.
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