The Company has adopted a Board of Directors structure as part of the continuing effort to earn the trust of shareholders, customers, employees and other stakeholders, by pursuing a future of sustainable growth and endeavoring to increase corporate value over the medium and long term. In addition, an executive officer system has been introduced in order to further increase management efficiency, and the Company has appointed Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members to oversee and supervise the other Directors with the aim of enhancing transparency, fairness and propriety.
As part of our officer training, we held a webinar for Outside Directors regarding human rights in December 2022. The webinar was attended not only by Directors, but also by Executive Officers and Group company representatives, providing an opportunity to learn about the basics of human
rights and examples of human rights initiatives. Moving forward we will regularly make similar efforts as we promote human rights initiatives throughout our Group.
The Company operates a continuous program for the annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors with the aim of both checking that the Board of Directors is being managed effectively and providing a foundation for improving the issues extracted. In the survey conducted in FY2022, there was room for further improvement in executive training for the purpose of acquiring necessary knowledge and deliberations on diversity within the Company, and we will continue to review the results.
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