The Kojiki, an ancient chronicle of Japan, includes a passage of waka-style verse said to be composed by Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, extolling the beauty of Japan’s natural grandeur and verdant abundance. Roughly translated into modern prose, it states that, “Yamato is the best place in the country. Surrounded by mountains like layer upon layer of green hedges, Yamato truly is a beautiful place.” Because we are born into a country so naturally abundant, it is incumbent upon us to protect the natural environment.
Our duty, as stated in our Corporate Philosophy, is that, “We hold ourselves responsible for the happiness of everyone in our organization and the contributions we make to global society. “Accordingly, since long before the SDGs we have communicated to our employees that, “A company should contribute to society, and the employees comprising the company contribute to society through the company.” In order for us all to pull together in promoting the SDGs.
Regarding action toward climate change, our whole Group is working to reduce CO₂ emissions in stages toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Specifically, we are moving ahead with energy conservation and expanding our use of renewable energy, while bringing greater visibility to our CO₂ emissions, after calculating the costs of such measures. Because carbon neutrality in automobiles is not something that automobile manufacturers can accomplish by themselves, we will place no limit on our efforts as a supplier to minimize the CO₂ emissions.
In recent years, the world has undergone change at incredible speed. Under such situation, we believe we must offer our employees opportunities and an environment in which each person can demonstrate his or her abilities to the fullest extent in order to achieve sustained growth and to boost productivity.
In terms of human resource development, we understand people to be critical human capital which provides our Company with its source of development. In order to achieve sustained growth and to boost productivity, To do so, we are moving ahead with systematic human resource development based on the Daido Spirit – Ambitious, Innovative, Challenging. we respect diversity, personality, and individuality, and we encourage the creation of a workplace and the establishment of an environment in which employees can demonstrate their abilities and engage actively.
We established a Sustainability Committee and task it with deliberating and discussing solutions to issues related to sustainability.
We also identify and disclose priority issues (materialities) for our efforts in the area of the ESGs.
I would like us to concentrate effort on enhancing our communication tools and spreading the word to achieve widespread awareness of our non-financial aspects, such as our open, participatory corporate culture that includes all employees, and our contributions to society, which are fundamental to our Group.I look forward to your continued support and encouragement.
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