Publication year | Title | Presentation destination (organizer) |
2024 | Value-enhancing Technology in Life Cycle of Bearings for Marine Engines | Japan Institute of Marine Engineering:JIME |
2023 | A new real-time condition monitoring method for engine bearings | 30th CIMAC WORLD CONGRESS CIMAC |
Sliding Bearing for a Better and Greener Future (Other symposia) | 9th International Tribology Conference(ITC), Fukuoka 2023 | |
Experimental Study of Multilayer Bi-Sb Overlay for Automotive Engine Bearing (Technical Session) | 9th International Tribology Conference(ITC), Fukuoka 2023 | |
A Simplified Method for Detection of Seizure Damage in the Static Rig Test in a Sensing Study (Technical Session) | 9th International Tribology Conference(ITC), Fukuoka 2023 | |
A study on a procedure for estimating the location of cavitation erosion in sliding bearings of internal combustion engines | トライボロジー会議 春季大会(JAST) | |
Development of bearing with multilayer Bi-Sb overlay for automotive engines | 自動車技術会中部支部研究発表会(JSAE) | |
Development of bearing with multilayer Bi-Sb overlay for automotive engines | WCX(SAE) | |
2022 | Early detection of a failure phenomenon of plain bearings by measuring AE | 月刊トライボロジー 2022.11月号 |
Activities for medium and high speed diesel engine bearings | JICEF 日内連情報 | |
A study of engine bearings friction loss reduction under hydrodynamic lubrication conditions | 自動車技術会中部支部研究発表会 (JSAE) |
A study of engine bearings friction loss reduction under hydrodynamic lubrication conditions | WCX2022 (SAE) |
2021 | Sliding Bearing for a Better and Greener Future | 19th Tribo – Pprime Workshop(Pprime Institute) |
ベアリングモニタリングセンサーへの応用に向けた 摩擦発電システムの設計 | トライボロジー学会 春季大会 (JAST) |
Early detection of a failure phenomenon of the automotive engine bearings | 自動車技術会中部支部研究発表会 (JSAE) |
Thechnical trends for medium and high speed diesel engine bearings | 月刊トライボロジー 2021.5月号 | |
Experimental study of bismuth alloy overlays for high performance engine journal bearings | WCX2021 (SAE) |
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